A fender bender between a white Ford Explorer and a tan Honda Accord turned a three minute drive to Pumpkindoodle’s preschool into a 20 minute anxiety laden excursion. I was going to be very late picking up my daughter and I worried that she was feeling sad and scared as she waited for me.With hurried strides I entered the classroom to find my four-year-old sitting alone at her table. She was wearing her pink coat with a matching hat; her princess themed back pack was resting over her slumped shoulders. When I called out her name, her little head popped up and reminded me of a gopher emerging from its tunnel.
“Mommy,” she exclaimed!
Reaching out for my embrace, she turned her head slightly toward her teacher and confidently said, “I just knowed my mommy would never leave me.”
Do you hold such confidence in your heavenly Father? Do you know that He’ll never leave you? I ask because deep down in my soul, I didn’t always believe this truth….parts of it, yes, but the whole truth…no.
I believed that God, the creator of the universe, was always present in His creation. And, I believed that if I were oppressed, victimized, or sick, He would be with me in those dark hours.
What I had trouble believing is that God would stay by my side during the times I failed. When circumstances were tough, promises broken, and insults hurled, I found my strength in knowing that I was a child of God and that He would not forsake me. Yet, when I was the promise-breaker, insulter, liar, and the selfish hoarder, I felt not only shame and sorrow for my actions, I felt alone. And that perceived desolation, which was stationed on a lie and wrapped with guilt, often kept me from crying out to my Savior.
The portion of truth that seeped into my heart after years of resting on the surface is that with God, never means never. Scripture does not read, He will never leave you or forsake you unless you take the Lord’s name in vain, or unless you commit adultery, or unless you covet your neighbor’s house.”
Yes, my actions have consequences. No, just as He was not always pleased with the decisions made by King David, He’s not always pleased with my choices. He knows I’ve made some bad ones. But still, He never leaves me alone…He never longs for me to self destruct. Instead, He hears my cry and rushes by my side …arms wide open.
Psalm 9:9-10 (New International Version-Emphasis, Mine)
“The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6 (New International Version)
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
1 John 1:9 (New International Version)
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
(Today, as I was mulling this post in my mind, and driving to pick up my daughter from school (no, I wasn’t late today), I heard this song on the radio. It’s called By Your Side from
Great Post! You are right, He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. Sometimes its hard to get that from our head to our hearts.
Thanks for the reminder.
God Bless!
That song has meant alot to me lately- thanks for the reminder! I needed it!
Isn't that just amazing! He is faithful and never does mean never.
Love that song :)
Great post! "Never means never". There are so many words in the Bible that I twist or skim over. I often had trouble believing that God really loved me, that He really delighted in me. When finally I learned that my unbelief was sin!!
I absolutely loved that song. Found myself all the way through it. Thanks for sharing your heart and this song.
Excellent Message! So full of truth. Thank you.
These truths always hit home better when we imagine our children, and our relationship with them. Thanks for the reminder He never, ever forsakes us.
I think one of the greatest struggles we face as women is a fear of abandonment. At least most of the women I know have struggled with that....
I am thankful that I am learning each and everyday that He will NEVER, NO NOT EVER, leave me or forsake me....
Even when I feel lost and uncertain He is still there with me...
Loved your post. Thankful you are OK.
Never means never. Because He is perfectly faithful.
Sometimes "never" can be a beautiful thing. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.
And I trust everyone is OK regarding the fender bender?
What a sweet little girl you have. I love her confidence in you. *grin*
Beautiful post. And I love that song.
I am so, so glad that never means never. I am so thankful that nothing can separate me from the love of God....that nothing means nothing. I certainly would have gotten fed up with me LONG ago! :)
Wonderful post! Wonderful song!
:) K
Even though I know God will never leave me,I need to be reminded.
There isn't anything my kids could do for me to leave them,how much greater is Father God's love for me.
Great Post
children speak such truths. Beautiful post my friend!
Amen! Great reminder today, something I needed. Thank you. :)
This is a beautiful post and a great reminder that He loves us no matter what.
Perfect! What a great reminder!
Absolute wonderful and inspiring message!
I love that song! I am so thankful that I have finally come to a point of trusting Him to never leave me. He's proven Himself to be faithful and true over and over... what a wonderful SAvior!
I LOVE this post and needed to hear it too. Thank you. :)
Oh, it wasn't me in the fender bender---it was two other cars, but it slowed traffic. Her school is just 2 miles down the street from where we live
Preach it Sister!
Never means never. I will cling to that! I do cling to that! Thank you for the reminder.
Powerful message in the words of that song!
Thank you!
Really beautiful :) Thank you for sharing your story and the song. We all need to remember to just surrender to that love.
what a great post. I love the real life visual to really make us think about our heavenly father.
That was great. What a good reminder that we are His children.
Awesome post!! I think there have been times when I mess up and I think for sure He is going to leave me because I just don't deserve Him yet I now know He is always there and will never leave me. Thank you so much for reminding me of this today, I needed it!!
Have a great weekend,
Thank you Angela. And thank You God for giving her this to share.
smooches, Larie
What a wonderful reminder!
Thanks for the reminder, I have needed it the last several days. Isn't our God a Awesome God.
Have a blessed weekend.
Oh, this is good stuff. And her response is just SO stinkin' sweet.
Isn't it comforting to remember that God will never leave us; no matter what happens in our lives, He is with us. Thanks for your visit and thanks for sharing.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great weekend!
It really is amazing, isn't it, that he loves us and never leaves us no matter WHAT? Boggles the mind.
awesome! and a great song!
From the mouth of babes - precious post!
I loved reading this....it blessed me this a.m.
Thanks for visiting my blog...I really like yours and will be back to visit!
Have a great weekend
God is good and I am thankful of HIS ever present love and protection in my life.
Wonderful post...thanks for sharing from your heart.
...she knew her mommy would be there
Thank you so much for this encouragement this morning!
Praise Him that He is not a man that He would lie. Never means never. Great title and promise to remember. Well said.
Hey there friend!
I just read about you over at We are THAT family! How cool! Way to go!
Take care,
Great example!
Found you via "We are THAT Family". What a lovely and encouraging blog you've created!
What a beautiful song. I'd never heard it before. Very comforting and strengthening for me this morning. thanks for bringing my focus back to what is true!
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