Saturday, May 2, 2009


Due to some technical woes...I'm taking an unscheduled...and hopefully very short blog break. I have so much to share, but my computer programs seem to be fighting with one another. So until they can play nicely ir until I can figure out another solution, I will be taking a breather. I hope to be posting again without issues by Wednesday May, 6. I will be at FaithLifts that day as well.


He & Me + 3 said...

I hope everything gets fixed. soon.

Alleluiabelle said...

May God's grace cover you and your technical woes. Hopefully things will get straightened out sooner than anticipated.


Scribbit said...

I hope you're back up and running soon!

Mel said...

looking forward to your return, ughhh those tech issues. Enjoy your break though!!!

sara said...

oh I do hate those computer problems!!!

I hope you can get it all fixed soon!!

Ronel said...

Have a good break!!!

Karen Hossink said...

Hope the programs are soon playing nicely together. *grin*

Heather of the EO said...

You'll be missed!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get everything worked out!

Kimberly said...

I am sorry your programs aren't playing nice. Maybe a good time out will make them see the errors of their ways. ;) But I'll miss you while your gone. :)


Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

Hopefully everything works out easily and you can come back soon!

Rev. Peter Doodes said...

I will also be glad when it all gets fixed and they start to talk to each other again, but then again, computers are only human.

Lisa Spence said...

At least you knew you were taking a break in advance of the break! :-) I had no idea I was on break until I had been so for over a in the world does that happen?

Falling Around said...

Oh, bad computer! Bad... bad computer!! Now you settle down and serve Angela like you're supposed to! Do you hear me, bad computer? Don't make me come over there...

Did that fix it, Angela? You just let me know if there is anything else I can do for you now that your computer is terrified of me. Okay?

Michelle Riggs said...

Will miss reading. Hope your compter is fixed soon.

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