I'm throwing my very first blog party/tour and you, along with all your bloggy friends are invited. I'm even going to have a Mr. Linky. I know...I'm getting fancy here at Becoming Me. I'll even have a prize!
I know what you are thinking...."When is it and what's the admission fee?" Here are the answers to those questions and a few more.
When - July 13-18
What do I need to do - Create a mission statement for your blog. It does not have to be long. Just write the purpose behind why you blog and what you want your blog to be. Click Here to read my statement, but remember, yours does not need to be as long. And feel free to add humor if that is in your mission. After you post your mission statement (Please do not post it before the 13th of July) come link to my Mr. Linky and also include a link to my site from yours. Feel Free to use the above Button.
Why - What better way to introduce someone to your blog than to explain what motivates you to share your life in such a public venue. It's also a good way to take an inventory of sorts of your reasons for blogging.
Can I spread the word - Please do
How fun! THanks! You might have to remind me in July- but count me in!
FUN! Please DO remind us!!! ;) I can't wait!
Oh Awesome! I will participate! Can I put your in my Sunday Links tomorrow?
I'm gonna give it a try, count me in :)
I'm gonna try it, because when people ask what I blog about (purpose) I stare at them with a dumb look on my face because I haven't thought about it! Now you will make me ;) thanks :)
This is such a great idea! How fun!
Sounds great! I will be in for sure. What a great way to meet new bloggers. Thanks!
Great idea, I love it!
Hi, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. It's good to talk to you. Blessings.
Count me in!
I'm so glad to find your blog, thanks for stopping in at Flash Point. :) I hope for lots of opportunity to interact with you on the blogs!
my journey with God
COUNT ME IN! I love this idea - it not only introduces us to other blogs but also sets our minds on WHY we really do this...
Great idea.
That sounds like fun!
I'll write down the date!
I'm looking forward to this! Writing a mission statement for my blog is something I've been wanting to do! It'll be great to hear others too.
Thanks for all you do out here in blogland...you're a great encouragement to many!
I've been thinking about doing a "why I am blogging" post. I like your mission statement and am challenged. I'm up for it....working on it. Thank you for the time you've given us before the blog tour. I'll be ready!
This looks like fun! Thank you for the fun idea. I will work on this.
How are things for your husband's job?
Hey I just found your blog and this contest. There is nothing like a woman with a mission lol. I'm glad I have time to figure out what mine is. Sounds like fun.
OH, this is great! I've been writing mission statements for different areas of my life... and I've thought about the purpose of my blog... but this is great!
What a great idea!!! This will get me thinking and doing what I should have done a long time ago :)
All right, I've got my thinking cap on (and the button up on my site)!
This is awesome. I love it. I already set the date in my calendar!
So...I'm thinking of linking to this tomorrow for some "reader input" to help me :) and then I can sift through it, come up with something, and then post (link)again that week in July.
Is that alright with you? Just checking :)
I thought I left a comment way back when...but guess not! Anyway, I plan to be in! What a great idea!
Gives me something to think about - glad I have a couple weeks to come up with my thoughts about it. My first visit to your blog, but I will be back for sure.
This is cool...I hope to be joining in!
I would like to be a part of that. I hope you will remind us when it is time to post our statements. It will be fun to read everyones. -Blessings, Laurie
What a wonderful idea. I would love to be a part of it! I enjoyed reading your mission statement. It's something that I've had internally to keep myself on track, and I know when I'm getting a little off track. But it will be really neat to have it in writing to refer back to.
Amazing...and awesome idea...I'm in! I have one from when I started which was posted back in April but I'll try to do a new MISSION statement all on its own instead of with my Blog name explanation like I have it!
I thought that when I posted your button on my blog that I left a comment but it must be on one of your other posts that intrigued me that day!Love the new look...but I
liked the other one too...thought I was on the wrong BLOG at first!
I like the way you think! I've written my mission statement, and I've posted it here:
If I do win a prize, I'd like #3, but I may be too late for that. Whatever, I'm glad I found out about this.
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