Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bloggy Business and Some Cuteness

I normally don't do this on Becoming Me, but I decided to run a form of a PSA-Blog Style....and since I'm doing things I don't normally do, I'm going to throw in a funny family story...'s a blowing in the wind my friends....blowing in the wind.

First, a blogging PSA:

Earlier this week, I noticed that my blog roll numbers dropped from 199 to one hour. Since that was during the time I posted a prayer request about baby Peter, I was pretty certain that Becoming Me did not develop a case of blogger B.O. I also, didn't get upset...honest. I now view that feature as a public's totally free publicity for whomever is interested. Thinking about it in this manner frees my OCD leaning self from much angst.

So, I'm good. But, I thought it odd...ten people missing at once.

I did some research (I twittered about it) and learned from a friend, who heard from a friend, who heard from a friend...who heard from a friend, that Blogger has been marking "followers" as anonymous....all that means is that the picture goes away. Apparently, it has happened before.

I then checked my list and noticed that 24 of the blogs I followed had been marked anonymous as well. So, unwittingly, I was "dumping" people all week. I made the corrections...I'm very loyal. I am tempted to eliminate the feature from my page, simply because I don't want something that is not reliable....but then the free publicity would go away it stays...for now.

I wrote the above just as my attempt to put some peace-of-mind back into the blog-o-sphere. If you notice that your numbers drop, fret is probably because of a glitch.

Now for a cute family story---

My five-year-old daughter, Pumpkindoodle, arrived home from a play date this afternoon and requested a glass of milk. Seconds after placing her cup on the table, she looked up at me, batted her long eye lashes, and in the sweetest, most polite and adult sounding voice (much like Gwenyth Paltrow would use at a five star cafe--- in fact, imagine a young makes the story funnier) said:

"Oh! Did I say milk? (polite giggle) I meant chocolate milk. Just swish a little chocolate syrup in here and that will be fine. Thank you!"

Biting my lip hard enough to release a twinge of blood, I replied.

"So sorry Miss Ma'am, we are fresh out of chocolate syrup. Perhaps another time."

My girl cracks me up.

There has also been some better news about Peter today. Please click the link on my side bar for the latest information.


Darlene said...

She is too cute! I love family stories. It brings back so many memories of my daughter who is 19! will blink and she will be grown!
Have a fabulous weekend!

Gretchen said...

I'm too OCD to begin even thinking about stats. I don't think my self esteem could handle it. So, I guess I'd rather be oblivious. But thanks for the info, anyway. If I weren't also a technophobe, I'm sure I'd use it.

Adorable story. Thanks for lifting these babies in prayer. I'm glad to hear that Peter is better.

Jennifer said...

She is adorable! Kids say the darnest things :-0

As for dropping followers...I lost some too and found out from Beth in NC that Blogger and Google did something together that messed up all up. I had one "friend" email me to make sure she didn't offend me because I had stopped following her. THANKS, BLOGGER!

We're all good and everyone will eventually figure out what happened and correct it.

Have a blessed weekend!

Christy said...

My boys are already addicted to a little chocolate syrup in their milk (except before bedtime). I justify it because they drink a lot more milk this way (than if it were white) but I have no idea if the good (more milk) really outweighs the bad (more sugar).
I hope we aren't such a bad influence on Pumpindoodle that you don't let her over anymore! :)

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Christy you crack me up! You are not a bad influence and we do have chocolate milk here kids are both BIGTIME milk when we are out of syrup, it's not such a big deal.:-)

Heather of the EO said...

You're so kind to post about the followers thing. The same thing happened to me and I heard from a friend who heard from a friend who...

That chocolate swish story is HILARIOUS. What a little Gwyneth!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

One day this week I lost five followers like that, and I admit it, I felt bad. Maybe I didn't actually lose them--I'll choose to believe that! She is adorable, and yes, the Gwyneth picture did help!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that story cracks me up!

That is wonderful news about Peter, praying for continued good updates!

Denise said...

She is so beyond cute.

IA. said...

Your lil girl is adorable! Kids would really say and do what they can to get what they want huh? How I thank God for them lil ones! They make our lives so much more colorful!

Anonymous said...

That is a cute story. She is absolutely precious!

I don't let the following thing bother me anymore. It use to bad because I use to wonder if I did something to offend someone.

The Four Week Vegan said...

Wow, thanks for the heads up about being mis-marked. I lost a few followers too and figured I was justing boring everyone. I am going to check those I follow now and make sure I am following publicly.

Your dd is too cute!!!!

sara said...

so glad you posted this. I was wondering why I see the numbers go up and down at times

and the story.....too sweet!!!!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Oh my! I love the Pumpkindoodle story. She sounds so entertaining. I imagine your life is never dull... :)

Thanks for sharing. :)

I have been following Peter's story as well. It brings back alot of memories of the roller coaster ride that the NICU is. God has been so faithful!

Mel said...

ok that swish a little chocolate very very cute!!!

{darlene} said...

That girl of yours is adorable! Thanks for sharing that pic and story.

Edie said...

Oh that is too cute! She's adorable!

mandy said...

blogger blogging blogrolls.
It shouldn't have to be that complicated! ;) But, sometimes it just is.....

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to know now where I read about Peter from! I'm loving getting all the updates about him. God is sooo good!

Your daughter - too too precious! I loved her asking for the chocolate milk!

As for the numbers...well..I have 12 followers so if 10 people left, I'd be upset!

Savvy-Motherhood said...

Oh my goodness! AND YOU thought that my little girl was darling! HA! She is too sweet! Great story and keeping all in prayer.

Unknown said...

She's adorable! A girl after my own heart. I love chocolate.

Winks & Smiles,

Lisa Spence said...

Some cuteness, indeed! Thanks for the smile this morning!

Girl, don't feel bad on the follower count--if I lost ten in an hour (or a week), I'd be negative in the follower department! :-)

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