Saturday, February 7, 2009


Yesterday morning, The Professor gifted me with an extra hour of sleep. Just as I stirred awake, the wails of my 22-month-old son jolted me into the upright position. Pickle loves his Daddy, but there are some mornings when all he wants and needs can be found only in the arms of his mommy.

I didn't need to see my toddler to know that he was furiously pounding both of his small fists against my bedroom door with as much force as he could muster. Not more than a second after I opened the door, Pickle collapsed his red, wet and plump cheeks against my chest and quickly sucked air back into his exhausted lungs.

He was neither injured nor in danger. A nutritious breakfast filled his belly, and his diaper was dry...yet still he ached to be in my arms. Yesterday morning, my son was desperate for me.

As I cradled and kissed the little boy whose arms clung around my neck, I silently asked my Heavenly Father this rhetorical question.

"This is what you want from me, isn't it?"

The answer...affirmative. God wants His children to continually seek Him with fervent yearn for what only He can offer...not because He needs this from us, but because He desires for us to have the very best.

Too often I allow the circumstances of daily life to shift my focus from Jesus. Too often I take His presence in my heart for granted. Today, I am once again desperate for Him. Today, I pray that I never stop craving for that which is found only in Him.

How lovely is your dwelling place,O Lord of Heaven’s Armies. I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord. Psalm 84:1-2

For more, Then Sings My Soul Saturday, Please visit Amy at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.


He & Me + 3 said...

Absolutely beautiful. Awesome analogy. Totally drives that point home. Amazing! Love the song too!

Edie said...

Amen! I love that song too.

Jennifer said...

I love your analogy...I can see your son longing for his mommy and I can see my Heavenly Father longing for me. This is a beautiful song that I love and it brings the two visions together perfectly.

Happy TSMSS!

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

Would you have ever thought that your 22-month-old was going to teach you something about the Lord?


Julie said...

Beautiful picture friend. God gave me one this week too... I love it when He takes those sweet pictures and sears them into our hearts, don't you.

Edie said...

Hi Angela! Olivia is 10 years old now. Thanks for asking. :)

I keep forgetting to tell you whenever I come by that I just love the photos of you and your daughter in your header. They are just adorable!

Have a great weekend!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Powerful message.
I love this song. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

mommy4life said...

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I so identify.... I've had a hard time this last month or so and this really reminded me to cling to God as my source.

IA. said...

Beautiful! I believe one reason God gave us our lil ones is so that we'd learn all these lil lessons they teach us. Thanks for sharing!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh I love this song! And I love your story. May we be desperate for Him! Thanks for sharing!

Denise said...

You are such a sweet blessing.

Sheryl said...

What a great picture of how our relationship with Jesus "should" be. I have become more desperate Him and it really is a good thing.

Can't remember the last time one of my kids was dying to get to me -unless it was to get the wallet. Still love 'em anyway!!

Joyfulsister said...

What a wonderful analogy, Just beautifully put into words as well. Yes there are days when I desperately just need my Father in heaven, Just him and him alone. And when we can get into the stillness and dwell there basking in his presence we just relax and breathe his refreshing air into our souls.

Hugz Lorie

Mozi Esme said...

Great analogy! So often I am busy trying to get something done when Esme has a meltdown, and then I try EVERYTHING to figure out what her problem is, when all she really wants is just time with me. If only I had that same yearning...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful message! I love that song!

Beth in NC said...

Awwww, what a sweet analogy! You are right, we should be just a determined to be in our Father's arms as our children are to be in ours. My daughter would let me wear her on my hip all day if I would.

Have a blessed Saturday!

Karen said...

Thank you for this picture!

Unknown said...

Absolutely true and amazingly beautiful! This really touched my heart!

Rev. Peter Doodes said...

A truly beautiful analogy and a thought inspiring post.

Blessings and thank you.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

First of all - yay for an extra hour of sleep!! :)What a thoughtful professor!

I had never thought of linking our need for God to the way our kids sometime just need their mommy. So neat Angela! :) Thanks for this post.

Peggy said...

Blessings Mrs. Naz...Such a beautiful comparison & how true your words! I find such peace in this song and love hearing Michael W. Smith sing it. Breathe in all of the Lord's sweet aroma! Thank you for your visit! EnJOY TSMSS!

Mary Moss said...

So beautiful. I love this song, too:-)

GranthamLynn said...

You are so right. I love your illustration. What a perfect reminder to us. Thanks for sharing.
Many Blessings,

Lisa Spence said...

One of my favorite songs!

Mel said...

That is amazing...your gift to tie things together is wonderful...great song

Julie said...

As usual I love the way you see Papa in everyday things. I love that He gives us those treasures.
You write so beautifully of His heart in you.

Thank you sweet friend for your visit and your sweet words to me. You always bless me when you stop by. You words are gifts to me.

Hugs from Ellijay~

Andrea said...

What a beautiful anology. I am reminded of those precious times when my now grown children "needed me" as we desperately "need our LORD." Blessings, andrea

Sweet Blessings said...

Loved your sweet tone in your post and this song is always a favorite for me. Blessings:) Amanda

Leslie said...

this is a beautiful beautiful post... Im so glad you stoped by my bloggity home, so I could stop by yours... its a blessing!

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