Sunday, March 15, 2009

Blog of the Week-Next Week

I had two upper wisdom teeth removed last Thursday, and the process has really kicked my tail.

I have experienced dental surgery in the past and birthed two babies without pain medication, but for some reason, the extraction of my third molars was harsher than I expected. The one on my left side was snuggly situated in my sinus cavity, which is making for a slower recovery.

Now that you know the ugly, I am sure you will understand why I will not be featuring a blog this week. I have been so out-of-it during the past few days that I do not think I could give just recognition to the next blog. Judging from the fact that I started the first two paragraphs of this post with the word I should be all the proof you need.

So next week, I will have a new blog of the week listed. Also, due to needing to catch up on household responsibilities, I probably won't be doing much blog posting, commenting, or reading this week. But, I will be back.

If you are looking for something lite to read, click here. You'll find a story about my first oral surgery experience, a yummy recipe for chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes, and some other fun stuff on my family blog.


Karen Hossink said...

I hope you're feeling better soon, Angela.
I'm sorry, but I had to laugh about the birthing babies comment. Amazing how something could be "harder" for us than that, isn't it?
More than once, I have said to my trainer - as he's making me lift really big weights, "Kevin, I didn't make this much noise when I was having babies!"
Of course, I had my babies with pain meds...You're tougher than me. *grin*
Anyway, hope you're back on your feet again, soon!

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

Bless your heart! I hope you're feeling better soon!

Aspiemom said...

I'm so sorry that you're dealing with all of that pain! I hope that you are better very soon!

Sheryl said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. I vividly remember my wisdom teeth experience - not fun!

Kimberly said...

Praying for you as you heal!

:) K

Denise said...

Bless your heart, saying a prayer for you.

He & Me + 3 said...

feel better soon friend.

Lindsey @ A New Life said...

Oh my! Will be praying for you and a swift recovery.

And whatever you do, DO NOT DRINK THROUGH STRAWS!!

Trust me :-)


Mary Moss said...

Prayers for your continued healing and remission of pain.


The Four Week Vegan said...

Ouch! I sure hope you are feeling better soon. I had three wisdom teeth out right before I married and it is not something I would want to repeat ever. Take care.

Muthering Heights said...

You had your kids without pain medication?? WOW!!!

I hope you start to feel better soon! :)

Tracy said...

ok - I just had a nasty root canal on Friday & have been feeling like a baby too!! so - feeling a bit of your pain ugh! hope you have a speedy recovery - or at least your man will take good care of ya!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...


You are such a writer...only a writer would be perterbed about starting two paragraphs with the word "I". It made me smile.

I do hope you are feeling better. Take this opportunity my friend to sit back and do NUTHIN and eat all the tapioca pudding you can.

That's what I'd do anyway...

Praying for you.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

...AND, only a fellow writer would be perturbed that she spelled perturbed wrong in her last comment.

Penny said...

Good luck with the wisdom teeth recovery! I had mine out last June, and it went really well -- but one of the three they pulled (which all were under the skin, btw) was right on my sinus cavity, and it took six months for me to get feeling back on that side of my mouth. However, that probably was why I didn't feel any pain, either, lol!!

LauraLee Shaw said...

Take your time and catch up, dear! I hope you feel better really really soon.

Gretchen said...

hang in there babe!

Vixbil said...

Oh bless you. I have had all my wisdom teeth out now and it was horrid!!!!
Hope you get soon

Unknown said...

Feel better ...

Winks & Smiles,

Carol said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!!

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