This Easter Carnival Starts on March 9 and continues until 8 p.m. on March 11. Contest Winners will be announced by 11p.m. EST on March 11.
My grandparents once lived in the beautiful and historic Brandywine Valley. I enjoyed walking down Briton Bridge Road with my PapPap and marveling at the picturesque countryside complete with rolling green hills, sprawling estates, and inviting orchards. Even an old, dilapidated barn appeared lovely amidst the gorgeous landscape.
Once, after at least six months had passed since our last walk together, PapPap excitedly whispered, “Wait until you see what they did to that old barn.”
The revelation was jaw-dropping. The rundown, rustic, stone barn, had been converted into an elegant guest cottage. I still wish I could have had a peek at the splendor I'm sure existed on the other side its front door. As Easter approaches, I reflect on the similarities between that once old, yet refurbished barn and the cross on which Christ died.
I consider how ugly and rough the old wood must have been, and how its image invoked feelings of terror, shame, and outrage. I tremble when I think that two bloodstained, repellent, accursed wooden beams, wore beauty on one dark Friday in Golgotha more than two thousand years ago. Yes, even though hatred swarmed rampant, teeth gnashed, voices growled, blood flowed, garments tattered, and anguished cries bellowed throughout Calvary, beauty was present. Beauty hung on that soiled cross in the form of the pure, sinless, lamb of God. The cross was hideous, but because of who it touched, it was lovely at the same time.
Even though the actual wooden cross on which Christ, and most likely other men died, is long gone, its meaning has been forever changed. What was once the harbinger of hate is now the symbol of love, hope, and peace. What once provoked shame, now promotes glory. And what was once a cruel agent of agony and death, is now the emblem of eternal life.
Oh, how beautiful Christ made the cross when He victoriously conquered death. How even more glorious is the transformation he can make in the lives of all trust and believe Him.
You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. Colossians 2:13-15
Thank you for reading about why Easter is so special to me. I look forward to reading your thoughts about Easter, so please sign Mr. Linky below.
As previously stated, Karen from Fashions for Your Little Ones donated a $50 gift certificate to her store (the prize includes free USPS shipping to US residents, if you do not have a mailing address in the US, but are willing to pay for oversees postage, you may still enter the contest). One of you can win that fabulous prize via a random drawing. The gift certificate can be used for or toward any non-auction items. Karen's store is quite lovely and I'm honored that has offered such a generous prize. By the way, Karen is someone I actually know in real life and I even have a picture of her that was taken at my wedding almost 10 years ago. And even if you do not have a little one of your own, the store has many baby and children's gift items. Here's what you need to do to be eligible to win that fabulous gift card.
Post something on your blog about Easter, link to Becoming Me, and come back here and link the post (not just your blog url) to my Mr. Linky. It does not have to be anything like what I wrote above. See here for more details.
Come back here and leave me a comment stating what product you most liked from Karen's store.
If you do not have a blog, you may still enter...with your comment about Fashions for Your Little Ones, please write about something special you do to celebrate Easter.
For an extra entry post this carnival to your twitter and leave me an additional comment with the link.
For another entry, leave comments on at least ten other blogs who signed up on my Mr. Linky and then come back here and leave a comment telling me that you did so.
Because blog carnivals are more special when other participating blogs are visited, I have an additional prize. The first person to leave an authentic comment (just writing hello or hi will not count) on the posts any ten participating blogs will get a $10 gift card to either Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, Barnes & Noble, or McDonalds. Just be sure to leave me a comment after you leave your ten comments...I'll need the time stamp for the winner.
I like the picturesque beginning! (Felt like I was walking there w/ you and your pap pap!) Thanks for sharing the real meaning of Easter and encouraging so many others to do so! You are a blessing!
This was such a lovely post my friend.
What a beautiful post!!!
I think my favorite item from the ebay store is the
Will'Beth Boys Christening Baptism Wedding Suit...it's so sweet!
That was such a beautiful story! I think this will be a fun carnival.
This was a beautiful post!
I love how your childhood memories still remind you & bring you back to the cross. Beautiful post.
Wonderful post and love the tie in to the old barn!
I like any of the 3T-4T dresses on the e-bay store. They are gorgeous!
It really is amazing isn't it? I had never thought before of how He had changed how people look at the cross. Before Him, the cross was indeed a thing to look upon with terror, thinking of the horrific torture and pain it stood for. And with His willingly broken body, He transformed how we view the cross. Something hideous became a symbol of the most amazing love.
Beautiful post. Beautiful.
I'm not sure if I have a story or not, but I'll try to post by the end of today if I can think of something. xxxoo
Your imagery is lovely. I'm up and posted. ;)
I like the little girls nautical dress :) I'll try to post a bloggy carnival article if I remember! Sorry you aren't getting many entries :(
I just discovered your wonderful blog and this fantastic carnival thanks to Muthering Heights. I too love Easter and make a point of celebrating it all month long, much like Easter. I just found out about the carnival today, so it will take me some time, but I would love to link up hopefully later today or tomorrow. Great idea!!
I just twittered for you...but I can't get my link to that exact tweet to post. Does this count??
Hi-I liked the Will'beth Girls Smocked Bishop Dress Watermelons 2T too! Again, thanks for doing this!
Loved the barn illustration! I visited all 7 so far. They are really good. This was a great idea! :)
What a wonderful post :)
I'm working on my own Easter post but I won't get it posted until tomorrow. I'm not joining in on the prize drawing however. Everything is so beautiful in that store but nothing would work for my boys and I don't know if this one's a girl or not yet :) I'd rather let someone else with a baby girl to dress up win it and enjoy it!
Ok...I finally hit 10 blogs and left comments!
I don't have any little ones so I don't need to win..but her things are beautiful just the same.
I just finished reading through the 13 post and man are they each special and neat. I really enjoyed the story about Dan committing to walk with his wife in her journey with Christ.. it really touched my heart.
Just thought I would tell you how wonderful this Blog Carnival has been especially reading all the unique stories.
I'll try to get in an Easter post- it's been a crazy week though. Good stuff here!
I finally got my post up. I know I am late joining, but we had company over and I just wasn't able to get to it before now. :-(
I checked out the boutique. So many lovely choices, not sure which one for certain I would choose, but I did like the Girls Smocked Lavender Boutique Dress.
I hope to read the other posts and comment this evening after the kids are in bed.
Aw man, I'm too late. :(
Good idea though. :)
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