If this is your first or 101st visit to Becoming Me, welcome. I do hope you will participate in my Blog Mission Tour. You can join in any time this week, just be sure to sign the Mr. Linky and leave a comment so that I and others can visit your site and read about your blogging mission. Whether that mission is to share your passion for cooking, minister to the hearts of others, promote an organic lifestyle, keep record of your life, or anything in between, we want to learn about it and you.
You can read my formal and revised mission statement here.
A little background
I wrote my first poem when I was eight years old. It was about secrets and friends, and it was as profound as pale pink nail polish. But, as the lead of the school-issued red painted pencil slid across the yellow printing tablet, I met an early love. In books, I found escape; with writing I found my voice. With words, I could create my own adventures, and each story, poem, and essay contained pieces of me.
Up until the birth of my daughter more than four years ago, writing remained integral in my life. Through it I earned scholarships, college admittance, awards, and a decent living. However, somewhere in the middle of changing diapers, packing and unpacking moving boxes, and battling intense postpartum mood disorders, I lost not only the desire to write but the ability connect with the written word.
During this past year, as the Lord bandaged my various life wounds, my aspiration to write was renewed. My purpose for writing had changed. I no longer write to share my voice, but to share the love and word of God and how He has fertilized some ugly and damaged areas of my soul to grow a glorious garden.
In the About Becoming Me section you will find more information pivotal to the the purpose of this blog.
This week, instead of posting, I intend to take time to get to know every one who participates in this blog tour. Again, please sign Mr. Linky and leave me a comment. Your statements need only be a few sentences long or consist of a few bullet points. Be sure to specify which prizes you are interested in winning (i.e. if you just want prize one, record a 1 within your comment. If you are interested only in 1 and 3, include a 1 and 3. And, if you want to be eligible to win them all, write 123). For more guidelines,
click here.
Commenting on other blogs in the tour not a requirement, but is recommended as a way to encourage each of those who took the time to write out their bloggy missions.
I'm in.
Though I have a post for the Cafe that will be up on my blog tomorrow, I have posted the button for the blog tour tonight. It will be below the cafe post tomorrow.
Thanks for the opportunity to meet new friends.
Thanks for hosting! This should be fun! I am interested in prizes 1 & 3.
Mines going up Wednesday!
Thank you for doing this. I am interested in 1 and 3 for prizes. My hubby does great reviewing/editing for me as a gifted preacher/teacher.
I came across a comment you left on my blog and wanted to say thank you!!
Thanks so much for doing this. What a great idea! I don't need a prize - the prize was just having the chance to sit and really think through what I'm doing with this whole bloggy thing.
God bless!
This is great! Thanks.
I'm in!
My statement is up. I don't need a prize - getting me thinking about it is ok by me. blessings ...
What a wonderful idea--thanks for the focus! Mine is up!
My post is up. I'm new to your blog, and I'll be honest and say I love prizes! I'll take any of them.
Sorry about not posting the link last night. I remembered this morning in the shower! :)
This is going to be fun!
Mine is up. I screwed up my Mr. Linky thing though so it only posted my name and not my blog title (still links to it though so I guess that's ok).
Thanks for hosting this, can't wait to start browsing some other mission statements and blogs!
(Oh, and you can put me down for any of the prizes.)
Angela?...this was such an AWESOME IDEA and how aMazing is your new
I'm up and linked and so excited! Looking forward to reading
everyone's! Not signing up for any prizes, I did this for the JOY!
O=Others (blogs in this case)
Y=You (which means me myself)
Truly no prizes are more important
than thanking YOU for hosting and
other visits to fabulous blogs with hopes they will visit me, too!
I read and reread you Mission since you started this Blog Mission Tour with that beautiful button that I love (can you make me a button)...anyways, I was so inspired by your words and your lead in this...though I had to write from what I've been doing with hopes of doing more and better! My Mission for blogging
hasn't changed!
I realized that you have an excellent "hidden" agenda that
is in your header PPD! I believe that in your heart of hearts, you want to really focus on this as your heart's cry and ministry!
I just had to declare this to YOU
for a sense this journey was meant
as your core...your reason for journaling your journey through this! I could be wrong but felt led
to tell you this indeed is a Mission! I have not gone through this for I am barren with adopted grown kids now...but I believe God wants to use that aspect of you for His Glory through you sharing
as you have...do not underscore it!
Sorry, if I'm out of line...but may God bless and prosper your ministry through Becoming Me! I'm bless by you and thank you once more...I'm honored to be a part!
it's a great event...thanks for putting it together.
btw...i love all 3 prizes. :-)
Great idea! I think it's vital in "becoming ourselves," who we are in Christ, that we revisit the whys every now and then. Why do we blog...why do we do what we do....that sort of thing. Great meeting all of y'all.
melinda in ga.
Hmmm...I need to do this. I will sign Mr. Linky when I post my mission and the link. I love this idea...and can't wait to meet others in the blogosphere.
I know you have a lot going on this week, but I wanted to let you know that I've given you an award. Stop by my blog when you get a chance!
I am not sure I did things correctly, but I am in!
Of course it is ok:)
whew boy, here it goes...
oh, and I don't know about the prizes. I don't remember what was what....
yeah sorry--can you choose???
I am so excited to see so many of you here. I hope this week turns out to be both fun and inspiring. So far, no cupcake blogs, but we'll see. LOL
I am so not technical, so I cannot make you a button. I'm sorry. If I could I would. But if you go to my main page and click on Mommy Design's blogs, Candace can help you out. She did my Web design. Also, Shera from A Frog in My Soup designed my blog tour button and She is also a great blog designer.
I do agree that sharing my story about PPD is a very important part of my ministry and a passion of mine...but there were also so many spiritual issues attached to my PPD that at this point I really feel led to learn more and share more with others about God's truth and defeating lies. But I do desire to someday speak at local MOPS groups, etc about my ppd experience. Thank you.
What a great idea!
Thanks for your response! 2 both...
I do love your idea of at some point sharing with MOPS! I knew you had thought of everything!
Thanks for the leads but since I'm in Mexico...I don't know how that would work! They both have done excellent work as evident by yours!
I'm not technical either...I've been trying to figure it out since
I started...Blogging 101 sures helps but I think I need remedial!
(lol) Bless you for taking time to visit and then post a response!
Hi - I've just linked in. I am so nervous. I've not done anything like this before. No prize necessary but 2 would be great!
If there is something else I am to do please let me know.
Cindy ~ Phoenix
This has been a great exercise for me - thanks for the inspiration.
BTW, I'm a Target girl :)
Here is my post!
Yesterday's sermon at church so encouraged me I have unexpectedly started a new blog this morning, so here is another one from me!
I've been looking forward to this! For some reason it was more challenging than I though it would be. But, this is me and I do tend to over think things just a bit. :)
I'm interested in 1, 2, or 3...does that make me a little greedy? I'm seeing all of these comments of "I don't need any prize at all."
Thanks for starting this. It is so much fun to see what others have to say.
I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your kind words to me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness so much.
God Bless,
Hey! I'm finally getting around to posting my missin tour post! my goal for today is visiting all the other cool blogs that I don't already know!
I love this, I actually just finished a visit to India where I worked in an orphange and helped at a leper colony.
I heard a statement at a conference the other day. She was talking about scars and said, Do they remind you that you were wounded.. or that you were healed.
Loved that thought!
Thank you for the encouragement to sit down and do this. It has been very helpful to me as a writer. I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts.
1 please I love starbucks but only go when i was given a gift card..you know trying to save money!!
I am so, so very new at this .... I have so much to share - a heart that's very full. I am starting with columns I wrote while in my days of print journalism, just after my days of make-up and TV news.
My family and I left the LDS (Mormon) church in April. We have never felt more free and full of Christ's love.
I appreciate what you do and the inspiration you provide.
Matt Patterson
You know what I really enjoyed was the past days NOT blogging, but praying and seeking God's face and Him really setting clearly before me what my "mission" in blogging and in everything I do in this life is.
I so enjoyed writing this out! Thanks for hosting a great oppurtunity here with this tour.
I too would be happy with either, 1,2, or 3 for a prize...or none at all. It was just a joy to do this!
Thanks and blessings to you
I've joined. Not so easy, but this came at the perfect time. I was trying to figure out what to do with *because of abigail* and this was a great opportunity to think though why I blog. Thanks.
If I am picked I would like 1,2,3.
I'm new to your blog, but I'm excited that you are doing this!
I found your blog today and my blog mission tour is up and running! Thanks!
Your link is up and mission statement is close to being finished.
Thank you for stopping by my blog, and thank you for the compliment.
The Blog Mission Tour is interesting! I have been pondering the mission of my blog lately. This may be just what I need to pinpoint its real purpose. Perhaps I will join your tour this week.
Mine's up & linked.
Prizes 1 or 3, please.
I am so happy for you! What a wonderful thing you are doing, and what great participation from a whole lot of wonderful women!
This is a wonderful idea. When I first began my blog I wanted it to be a kind of ministry and it has been a blessing to my life. I can't wait to visit everyone and read their mission and reason for writing.
good stuff - Arturo is out of town this week & I don't have much free time - if I can - I will try to get the mission statement up & sign up - we'll see. miracles still happen eh?
I"m going to give this some thought and write some stuff down! What a great idea!
My mission is up!
Your tour gave me the kick I needed to finally write this post. Thanks for the encouragement.
As soon as I get a moment to clear my head I will come back and try to participate!
Thanks for the encouragement to create a mission so I can stay on track! Great blog you have here!
I love this mission tour you're doing, Angela. Unfortunately I'm a bit busy this week and while I do have a mission for my blog, I don't think I'll be able to write it out and participate. *sigh*
Hoping to get around an visit some of these lovely ladies, though.
Keep up the great work!
Great idea. It makes me examine and consider "why" I blog. I'll let you know what I come up with.
Siloam Springs, AR
WOW Angela...this is so GREAT! I'm getting a whole NEW WORLD of new BLOGS & hopefully friends as I visit their blogs bit by bit! You must really be busy reading and keeping up! Well, I'm writing today,7/15...to apologize for having ruined your Mr. Linky by putting my blog name which is too long...I thought I clicked the short version...IS THERE A WAY TO DELETE ME and I'LL SIGN IN AGAIN
WITHOUT Blog Name??? Please let me know! Also...had you not been in the middle of this...I would have loved to have passed on the award I got to you because YOU are certainly deserving of it! I hope I have another chance to pass one on...or I could make one if I ever learn to do these button things!!!
I went to a very special designer today...someone recommended...uh-huh! Bless you again! Do you know Carolyn or Maisie? I just saw a connection between you that I wanted you to connect!!!OOHH now I'm getting too personal but BLESS YOU and May HE give you an extra portion of strength and energy!
I deleted your link Peggy. You can go ahead and re-enter. Thank you for the kind words.
What a wonderful idea! Your blog just continues to grow in beauty and generosity of spirit! What a blessing you are!
I guess my mission statement, is to help people. I have that in my about me. I have fed those without arms and legs, touched the untouchable lepers... visited leper colonies. Went to church in refugee camps, help cloth the naked....
When I first read about this I just knew it was something I had to do.. of course it came on a week when I am in school and feeling extra lazy. Lucky for me God has been putting ideas in my head all week. I just pray mine come out with Him in mind.
Great idea and I loved reading everyones blog missions.
ok. i signed up before i posted my mission statement.... OOOps. sorry.
got it done now.
and i didn't sign up for the prizes! double ooops!
(btw- this is a great idea!)
Thanks for hosting this. What a great idea! I'm new to your blog and look forward to reading it as well as all the others who have posted their missions!
And I would love to be entered to win a gift card - I'm a big fan of Target and Sonic!
Wow, Angela! Can you tell by the response this was an awesome (no doubt God-inspired) idea!? Thank you so much for encouraging us to examine our mission and share it with others. It has been quite a blessing! = )
Thanks for coming up with this! It was good for me to take a look at exactly what I'm trying to accomplish with my blog. We can all use a little focus now and then!
Thanks for the inspiration. Love your blog!
Thanks again!
How fun! I love the world of blogging and this is a great idea :) Thanks for making a way for us to find so many other blogs out there!
Finally! The mission has landed ...
Hi! Surfed in from Cindy's blog. Lovely idea. I'd like to join the idea, but I don't think I can qualify for the contest because I live halfway around the world from where you are. *grin*
My family and I have our mission statement for ourselves - and our blog, naturally - here.
God superbless!
Okay, here's one more for me!
Thanks for offering this. It is fun! Sign me up for 1 & 3.
Thanks again! And thanks for visiting my blog.
I've enjoyed reading the other blogs. Thank you for having this. I don't think I ever commented on here. I am interested in 1, 2, or 3, although I don't have to have a prize!
Better late then never,so count me in. I came across your blog through Chatty Kelly and what a great idea.
(1,2,of 3)prizes would be great.
Thanks so much for visitng my site and leaving a comment. I started the blog for my kids to write about all my pregnacies. All three were high risk and I even lost twins due to cord entangelment. I write about loss and healing, raising kids, my relationship with God, and now home remodeling.I
I hope that you keep coming back!
Thank you for stopping by last week. This tour couldn't have come at a better time for me. I too suffered from post partum but I've yet to read your writing from those days. Oh sweet restoration.
Thanks so much for hosting this! I think it is wonderful! I have had had a really busy week and have a busy weekend, so I will have to come back when I have more time to visit all the other participants, I look forward to it!
Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I was curious how you 'found' me. Your words blessed me. Looking forward to reading more of your blog. I guess it is too late for prizes for me. Oh well!
Blessings, Sita
Thanks for visiting RefreshMoments and leaving a comment today. It's funny what a small world the bloggy world is (sometime we'll have to do the 6 degrees of separation and find how many ways we overlap!).
I love the idea of being able to see what other bloggers missions are. (I hope it's ok that I linked to a past post that explains mine.) I'd be interested in 1& 3.
(You write beautifully too!)
Late to the party, but in all the same!
Thank goodness I am not too late! I finally got my post up- sorry it took until the last day. We were away at the beach--but at least I got home and got to join the fun before it was over!
What a great idea... thanks for hosting.
My purpose is stated at the top of my blog.
I posted my Mission Statement. I think this is wonderful. As a writer, I really had trouble coming up with a mission statement. I had to really think about it.
I completely forgot to comment! I'd be interested in all three prizes. Thank you for doing this! Looks like you've got a great response.
Accidentally erased my link and had to link again. Sorry! You'd think this is rocket science!!
I forgot to comment~Oops!!!
I had such a fun week reading so many mission statements~ they are all so awesome!!!
ps all of the prizes are great:)
Thank you for this! I just posted my mission statement...I will probably do more with it as time permits. Look forward to knowing you better, Lee
I found you through Lisa Writes. I regret having almost missed this. I decided to participate, even at the last minute, when I saw that you and I share a theme verse, James 1:4.
I don't know what the prizes are, so you can count me in for all or none. You may even have had the drawing all ready.
Anyway, I hope you can stop by. I'm looking forward to knowing you better, via the blog. Thanks.
Just realized I had forgotten to comment - silly me! This was a great idea, Angela. Thank you so much for hosting it!
Well better late then never. I just came across your blog and love it and the idea of a blog tour. I hope to get around to most of the blogs listed even though it's after the tour time. Thanks for causing us to reflect and bless you for leading us on this tour.
I'm sad that I missed this. It's been a very busy summer.
Engrafted by HIS grace-
Rom. 11:17
Well, I missed the party since I just found this today at Exemplify--but I still want to do this!! I'll be posting my mission and purpose in my Sunday blog.
Thanks so much for the prodding to get me to write down my purpose, not just my mission statement!
So... I'm a day late... make that two. But I'm joining in on the Mission Blog Tour. http://atlantamama.blogspot.com
And I've enjoyed reading other blogger's mission and purpose with their blog this week.
Thank you "Becoming Me" for putting this together.
I wasn't actually going to link up, but you still had Mr. Linky active, so I added myself. Hope that's ok!
Talk about late...how about a month? Anyhoo...I'm a worship leader in East GA and am posting just general observations about life and worship as I come to them. Read my first two entries to see what I think about Contemporary vs. Traditional when speaking of worship "style". Thanks!
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